Winchester 1873 – Gun that Won the West

Winchester grabbed the public’s imagination in films like Winchester ’73 starring Jimmy Stewart, or Stagecoach and True Grit starring John Wayne, to name a few. The special place of tis gun can be understood by the above movie poster

A Legendry gun which is known as “The gun that won the west” in America, which also symbolized American frontier but could never made as a formal weapon of US Army.

It was Winchester 1873. This gun was produced in US Connecticut. It was among the first rifle which has repeater action and in a unique combination with the Colt revolver shared same ammunition. This made it most popular weapon of that time.   As an American symbol, it can be seen in hand of many fighters’ cowboys and Indians. it has such an iconic presence in the history. that many stories are woven around it. One is its story of development, and other is its use in historical wars.

Its famed lever action mechanism was such a reliable and full of sheer fire power, made it invincible Winchester. This rifle has fought the American civil war and other battels

Major battles are mentioned further in the article.

One of the historical battles of American civil war, where it played a major role was battle of Allatoona    Pass. this battle is testimony of reliability and sheer fire power of the gun. When one company of seventh Illinois, having just 52 men was outnumbered and surrounded by confederates.

This one company not only repelled but crushed the attacking confederate battalion. 

This is how it goes to the annals of history.

Other famous wars where this gun was used:

American Indian Wars

Japnese invasion of Taiwan

Russo-Turkish war

War of Pacific

North-west Rebellion

Frenchntervention in Maxico

Spanish-American war

Boxer rebellion

Mexican revolution

World war I